Gutermann Thread

16 products

Gutermann Threads for Every Seam and Sewer.

If you’re looking for professional-grade sewing threads, look no further than Gutermann Threads. Preferred by industry professionals and sewing enthusiasts alike for their exceptional quality and unparalleled sewability, Gutermann Threads offer the finest quality threads for a wide variety of sewing applications. Whether you need a general all-purpose sewing thread or a more specialized sewing thread, there’s a Gutermann Thread for you. For all-purpose sewing, try our best-selling Gutermann Mara, a 100% Polyester Thread suitable for most fabrics and general sewing purposes. If you need a heavy-duty upholstery thread, try Gutermann Tera—Or use Gutermann Skala for blind hemming and stitching. Shop our selection of Gutermann threads and start sewing with high-quality thread today!